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Michael Jack Webb
Ethan Freeman, ex-Special Forces Ranger, is the sole survivor of a fiery commercial airline crash that killed his entire family. The FBI thinks he’s a mass murderer. Sam Weaver, the NTSB Chief Investigator and ex-military pilot senses Ethan is innocent. Neither Ethan nor Sam realize shadowy spiritual forces are at work. An ancient evil, imprisoned since the time of the Pharaohs, has been released by a shadowy group of powerful men and women, direct descendants of ancient Sumerian gods. The demon they released intends to free The Destroyer and his horde of Fallen Angels from The Abyss and unleash a reign of terror and annihilation. Time is running out for humanity as Ethan and Sam are drawn into a conspiracy millennia in the making.

The BookViral Review: Originality and authenticity always make for great books and Infernal Gates by Michael Jack Webb certainly fits the bill. A supernatural thriller that whips along at a cracking pace, intelligent and immediately engaging, Webb revels in the complexity of his tale as he weaves converging plot lines together. It’s a testimony to Webb’s control over his material that narrative streams never seem to repeat or collide or, indeed, swamp one another. Writing in crisp prose and only lingering in the detail when it isn’t to the detriment of his storyline, he has a meticulous eye for detail and whilst he stays firmly within the conventional paradigms of popular supernatural fiction it hasn’t constrained his imagination. Clearly underpinned by extensive religious and historical research Infernal Gates is richly layered in a way that puts more conventional historical accounts to shame. Creating a novel that is rare and mysterious. That can be read and enjoyed but also learned from. But what really marks Infernal Gates as a novel of note is its main characters. Goodies, baddies, historical and contemporary each one comes to life and earns their place with none less than Ethan and Sam with their burgeoning friendship and pasts which are cleverly entwined.

Highly intelligent and thoroughly enjoyable novels of this calibre deserve to build an enthusiastic following and Infernal Gates is recommended without reservation.

