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Paperback Details
  • 11/2014
  • 9780692261156 069226115X
  • 441 pages
  • $19.99
Yvette Carmon Davis
This volume is the first in a series of Endtimes stories, entitled Suddenly Free. Rise of Evil chronicles a future Earth. The days leading to the emergence of an Antichrist, and the pending Rapture, are the backdrop of the drama. There is not much crime in this future Earth under one world government. The penalty for every crime is death. Yet crimes persist. There is murder and intrigue. The United Earth Police attempt to apprehend the criminals, while the physicians investigate the latest emergency cases—cases the like of which have not been seen in centuries! The Antichrist is poised to become the god of this world. He uses every kind of technological advancement to control the inhabitants of ‘his’ Earth! He is chilling in his savagery. Together, the dramatis personae face life, love, death and rebirth, and eventually, Heaven and Hell.
Chaplain Daneta Wright,

Yvette Carmon Davis's "Suddenly Free, Rise of Evil" gives a captivating perspective of the Biblical end times yet with a twist of science fiction. This page turning novel keeps the reader in suspense because of the brilliantly written experience of each character and the world they live in…A must read.

Paperback Details
  • 11/2014
  • 9780692261156 069226115X
  • 441 pages
  • $19.99
