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Perfect for the parent or grandparent in your life, GIFT SHOP OF GRATITUDE prompts readers to recall and organize all the things in life for which they’re most grateful. Through the lens of 20 common gift shop souvenirs, consider the snow globes and ball caps, the t-shirts, postcards, and jewelry you have accumulated. What people, places, and life experiences do you hold dear and what memories do each of these items bring back for you? After reading a chapter on scented candles, reminisce about the aroma of your mother’s cooking? Do key chains prompt memories of a friend or mentor who opened important doors for you? Does a bobblehead recall a beloved teacher or athletic coach? What legacy does each memory leave for your family? This special journal will surprise and delight you with the stories it evokes. Then, by journaling in the Gratitude Pages your answers to its thought-provoking examples, you’ll create a personal memory book of all the things in life for which you’re most grateful. GIFT SHOP OF GRATITUDE is the Perfect gift for parents and grandparents to chronicle their family legacy Evokes cherished memories that can be shared for generations Become co-author of this book about your own life Create a treasured family heirloom for children, grandchildren, and all those whom you love.
