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Paperback Details
  • 06/2015
  • 978-1498438223
  • 206 pages
  • $23.99
Joe Miller
A Better Man, Husband, Father
Joe Miller, author

Inspiring Men to Lead with Love, Integrity, and Purpose.
A Better Man, Husband, Father is a book to help men to recognize their yearnings to be better as men, to be a better husband, and to be a better father. This book will help them grasp the idea that becoming a better man is a life-long process.
A Better Man, Husband, Father is a collection of short stories from the author's life that all tie into lessons he's learned throughout his lifetime. These lessons focus on how to become a better man, a better husband, and a better father, while also each possessing the underlining theme of how to become a better Christ-follower. It's a book with short, easily read articles of everyday life situations. Those situations affect many of us in our relationships, including our relationship with God. Living as a follower of Christ is not always easy. Our character is who we are. Character is not only who we are, but what others see of us. Look at the Bible as a love letter. We can never change our past. We can only change our future.
Let these stories ignite your passion for growth, inspire meaningful change, and empower you to embrace the challenges of life with courage, wisdom, and grace. Get your copy today and start on your path towards becoming the men, husbands, fathers, and Christ-followers we are called to be.

Paperback Details
  • 06/2015
  • 978-1498438223
  • 206 pages
  • $23.99
