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Eric Willis
Author, Illustrator
A Black Man's Existence as a White Jew

Adult; Memoir; (Market)

In this memoir, A Black Man's Existence as a White Jew, award-winning author, genealogist, and historian Eric B. Willis uncovers a mysterious part of his family's history relating to the ongoing racial discriminatory practices against Black Americans and the perceived advantages and challenges of racial passing. In 2003, Willis began a genealogical exploration which would forever impact the lives and lineages of two American families--his black family and his maternal cousin's white family. Are you or someone you know living with "the dark secret in white face?" Black American men and women throughout history have chosen to live as white citizens. Through one of the most unforgettable and unexpected genealogical research expeditions, Willis discovers that one noted pianist and branch of his family tree who disappeared over 60 years ago indeed lived that life. This revelation leads to an unforgettable meeting with his cousin's white family members as they confront the truth about their dad's racial identity. Willis' book is a researcher's paradise as he includes excerpts from oral interviews, official records, government documents, voter records, news clippings, nightclub and performance ads, and photographs to both enhance and enliven the narrative. His narrative is not only magnificently creative and comprehensive, but it includes other historical events that relate only to his family yet are of great significance. The author and other noted black historians further address useful and practical solutions for overcoming today's historical and relational divisions between black and white Americans.
Dr. Irma Watkins-Owens, Associate Professor, Emerita, Fordham University

"He leaves no stone unturned" in an attempt to know and document his cousin's story. The result is not only the small triumphs, frustrations, and gems typical of any thorough genealogical pursuit, but also a thoroughly researched and documented history..."

"The format of the book is a researcher's paradise as the author includes excerpts from oral interviews, official records, government documents, voter records, news clippings, nightclub and performance ads, and photographs to both enhance and enliven the narrative."

George R. Bohanon, Jr., legendary American jazz trombonist, composer, bandleader

"I am really impressed. It is full of important information that I did not know. I am anxious to share it with others..."



Tia Ross, Founder of Black Writers Collective, Black Editors & Proofreaders

"I am honestly in awe of the amount of work and research you’ve put into this. I’ve seen many other ancestry projects, but none as creative or as comprehensive as yours with the inclusion of other historical events that relate only to your family yet are of great significance. This is amazing work, Eric, and you should be immensely proud.” 

