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Tinamarie Cox
A Collection of Morning Hours
A Collection of Morning Hours is Tinamarie Cox’s second poetry chapbook. This small volume brings together 23 short-form poems under one sun. Written during the early hours of spring and summer days, these poems reflect on the simple beauty of nature as well as the brevity of seasons and life. Within this gathering of morning hours, Tinamarie captures that precise moment when life suddenly becomes visible in a fresh way. She gives new meaning to the sunrise and shares her ideas through imaginative descriptions and with emotional awareness. She contemplates what is important in life as she explores the thoughts and feelings inspired by the start of a new day. By utilizing her senses, Tinamarie endeavors to understand and appreciate her purpose. This assemblage of poems will allow readers to enjoy and experience an existential and poetic glimpse of the world in the safe space of a quiet and peaceful summer morning among nature.
