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Jayita Bhattacharjee
A Collection of Short Stories

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

Tales come to an ending as the readers keep turning the pages and eventually land at the last one. The characters in them come and go, but the imprints they leave behind, stands the test of time. Such is the undeniable power of story telling. The story that builds its residence in your heart, becomes the purpose of your living. As you move through it, you find your trusted shelter in the companionship of the characters. It takes you to a land of questions to reflect upon, bringing into light, the unsought and overlooked things, compelling you to ponder. Through the artistry of imagination, a well fabricated story is built to take you to the truth and its far-reaching light. Through the elegantly dressed untruth, a story shows you the enlightening truth about things that were unthought of before. You are either tormented or elated and thus you are transported to a new land, that holds wonder upon wonder. Through the ripe, rich, fleshy falsity, you come to the unvarnished truth, however fleshless it may be. Finally, you find, the bare truth, sweet or bitter, however it is, for it is gold and not trinket at last. A story offers sense to the vastness of the things that happened and thus the narrative continues. A storyteller takes a prodigious leap into offering solace to those who are struggling most invisibly. As your eyes roll down the narrative, you escape the pang of pain and flutter in the breeze. Thus a story becomes the solace as you wander in the forest of fiction. Yet, it is not an aimless wandering, rather it gives you a definitive purpose. And ultimately, it is not the story that chases you, rather you who chases the story. The impact it creates, ultimately plays a decisive role in your life.
