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Ebook Details
  • 03/2024
  • B0CDNF6X1D
  • 236 pages
  • $2.99
Paperback Details
  • 03/2024
  • 979-8884212398 B0CY7NJ7R3
  • 236 pages
  • $15.95
Anneka Lowrie
A Convergence of Crows
JOHANNA KINCAID'S NEWFOUND TRANOUILITY IS PERILOUSLY DISRUPTED WHEN SHE DECIDES TO HELP A VICTIM OF A HORRIFIC CRIME. The Wilds of Pennsylvania are a remote place where most residents are proud, self-reliant, and hardworking. Those qualities and the area's natural seclusion drew Johanna Kincaid to retire to the mountainside farm of Elk Run. She is enjoying an idyllic refuge from her former fast-paced life as a psychologist to the wealthy and privileged when she is unavoidably drawn into a dangerous situation. A close friend asks her to help hide a young girl fleeing from the traffickers who want her dead. When Johanna agrees, her life and the lives of her dearest friends are suddenly at risk. They must find a way to outwit the traffickers and law enforcement alike. If they fail, an innocent girl will die. Using her expert knowledge of human behavior and her adept skills in an ancient craft, Johanna confronts a secretive organization that is interwoven into the very social strata she once served. She soon discovers she, too, is being relentlessly tracked like prey. A Convergence of Crows is a psychological thriller with a mystical twist that explores the intersection between ancient wisdom and the worst that human nature has to offer.
Plot/Idea: 10 out of 10
Originality: 10 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 10 out of 10
Overall: 9.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: A band of strong, capable women determined to take down a child sex trafficking ring with the aid of First Nations and other mystical wisdom is a powerful combination in this important story.

Prose: Lowrie’s sweeping natural imagery gives space for readers to process difficult subject matter. A light polish with tighter pacing would further bring out this gem’s luster.

Originality: While sex trafficking is an oft-explored topic, a seldom celebrated, fierce female presence lights up this book—an antidote to its brutal truths. The infusion of spirituality and its intersection with the natural world provides an impactful additional layer of meaning.

Character/Execution: Lowrie’s characters are vibrant and easy for readers to connect to, despite populating an uncommon, strikingly realized setting. Their backgrounds are fully examined and nicely inform the events unfolding in the present.

Date Submitted: April 05, 2024

Emillee Jackson Reviews Instagram

In "A Convergence of Crows," author Anneka Lowrie crafts a riveting psychological thriller that seamlessly weaves suspense, mystery, and a touch of mysticism into the fabric of the narrative. Johanna Kincaid, seeking refuge in the remote Wilds of Pennsylvania, unexpectedly finds herself thrust into the perilous realms of danger and deception.

The story unfolds as Johanna, drawn into assisting a victim of a heinous crime, becomes entangled in a web of traffickers and law enforcement. Anneka Lowrie skillfully employs Johanna's adept knowledge of human behavior and her prowess in psychological warfare to navigate a treacherous landscape. The stakes are high, with the life of an innocent girl hanging in the balance. As Johanna battles against a secretive organization deeply embedded in the social strata she once served, she discovers that she, too, is being hunted like prey.

What sets "Convergence of Crows" apart is its fusion of psychological intensity with a mystical twist. The narrative keeps readers on the edge of their seats, unraveling a complex tapestry of secrets and revelations. Fans of the Joe Leaphorn Series by Tony Hillerman are sure to find a kindred experience in the intricate twists and turns of Johanna Kincaid's mysteries.

The novel not only delivers a gripping tale of suspense but also introduces a compelling protagonist in Johanna Kincaid, a character whose resilience and intellect shine amidst the shadows of danger. The promise of a series adds to the anticipation, inviting readers to delve deeper into the enigmatic world crafted by Anneka Lowrie.

A Convergence of Crows" is a must-read for aficionados of psychological thrillers seeking a narrative that skillfully blends the visceral with the mystical. Purchase now and join the ranks of fans eagerly awaiting the next installment in the Johanna Kincaid Mystery Series.

Louise DeSantis Deutsch, Professor Emerita, Dept of Language & Literature, Cape

This debut novel interlaces a murder mystery, injustices to indigenous people, violence against women, and misuses of power--all suffused with a mystical overlay of spirituality and nature. Johanna Kincaid, retired psychologist and budding Shaman, uses her several skills and friendships to unpack crime, while challenging readers to confront a range of contemporary social issues. Marked by lucid prose and fast paced action, this novel is the first of a series. Look forward to journeying with Johanna along future mysterious ways. 

Ebook Details
  • 03/2024
  • B0CDNF6X1D
  • 236 pages
  • $2.99
Paperback Details
  • 03/2024
  • 979-8884212398 B0CY7NJ7R3
  • 236 pages
  • $15.95
