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Tom Van Dyke
A Cowboy Christmas An American Tale
Tom Van Dyke, author

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

A MYSTICAL TALE when dreams were chased with reckless abandon, when life was raw and unforgiving, when the adventures of WB, a young boy with a spark for life and a wild sense of freedom encounters the Spirit of the West sparking a magical connection that will forever shape his destiny as he fearlessly ventures into a frontier of untamed majesty, bigger and more beautiful than any dream, inviting us to embrace the magic that dwells within the human spirit.

“It’s good and it moves! Tom Van Dyke tells a rousing tale of a young man learning how to cowboy and finding    the girl of his dreams. I’ve written a good 40 western stories and learned a lot from Tom’s book.” —ELMORE LEONARD, Novelist


“I’m a narrative painter, so as I read this book, the words drew pictures in my mind. These images are vivid and the story feels real. A Cowboy Christmas An American Tale, is a welcome addition to my library.” —HOWARD TERPNING, Western Artist 

KEN ROTCOP, Studio Creative Head of: Embassy Pictures, Hanna-Barbera Productions

A Cowboy Christmas is a warm, well-written tale of a young man discovering himself and the new world during an engaging adventure in the American West. The book took me back in time and sparked memories of when I was working on Western films with my friend John Wayne.” —KEN ROTCOP, Studio Creative Head of: Embassy Pictures, Hanna-Barbera Productions

MARSHALL TRIMBLE, Official Arizona State Historian

“Tom Van Dyke has crafted an inspired story of the Old West, Arizona and New Mexico Territories—1873. A well-researched tale of an adventuresome young man carving out a life that most men can only dream about. Hold on tight.  It’s a fast ride. This magical tale fits like a vintage Stetson and good pair of boots.” —MARSHALL TRIMBLE, Official Arizona State Historian

MICHAEL BLAKE, Author of Dances With Wolves

“INSPIRING. A Cowboy Christmas An American Tale reveals the true American West but goes even further. A man and woman who refuse to let a soaring relation- ship disappear is a sign of life on earth at its best.” —MICHAEL BLAKE, Author of Dances With Wolves

RUSS GIBB, Concert Promoter/Educator

“The stuff of novels—A masterpiece. A compelling unforgettable journey. Insightful. Uplifting. Heartfelt. A creative narrative with joyful language captivating my imagination.” —RUSS GIBB, Concert Promoter/Educator

THOMAS COBB, Author of Crazy Heart

A Cowboy Christmas is a heartfelt tale of a cowboy's roam. A magical story and delightful read for all seasons.” —THOMAS COBB, Author of Crazy Heart

True West Magazine

“A GREAT RIDE!” —BOB BOZE BELL True West Magazine

