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A Dark & Stormy Knight
Suzie Quint, author
Georgia McKnight would do anything for her daughter Eden, but the one thing she's failed to do is to provide her daughter with a model of a good marriage. To remedy that, she's set her sights on converting her friendship with Daniel, the divorced father of Eden's best friend, into a romance. Unfortunately, she has to leave Dallas for the summer to help her parents in Hero Creek, where her ex-husband waits, scheming to win her back. Sol McKnight has three passions in his life: riding bulls, being a father to his daughter, and loving the woman he married right out of high school. He's pulled some underhanded tricks over the years in order to keep his ex-wife single. He doesn't regret a single one of them because, well, they worked. But now, she's come home and he has a chance to win her back for good. He needs to make her see that she belongs with him. What he doesn't know is that it was her fears of what could happen to him riding those rank rodeo bulls. She couldn't stand waiting for the call that he was injured--or worse. Sol still doesn't know because she doesn't want to be the shrew who made him give up what he loved to do the way her mother did to her father. Can she learn to cope with the fear?
