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The Bohunk
A Date With Lima

After a contentious custody battle with his ex-wife, Dr. Michael Abraham looks forward to the aftermath of peace and quiet. Not only for himself, but for his two young daughters: Stephanie and Lia. Little does he know -- it's just the beginning of one of the greatest trials of his life.

In the summer of 1997, Michael's ex-wife, Brigitte, along with their two children, depart to visit family in Germany. They never arrive on their flight back.

As Dr. Abraham fails to make contact with his ex and daughters, it becomes clear that there was never any intention of return. He then faces any parent's worst nightmare: the possibility of never seeing his children again. Relying on the 12-Steps from his past with addiction to help guide his way, Michael wills his fears into determination on his quest to track down his daughters and safely return them home.

Enlisting the help of U.S. Politicians and Diplomats, including Chicago's Senator Carol Moseley Braun and Representative Rod Blagojevich, as well as Hollywood's infamous private detective Anthony Pellicano, it all comes down to a very fateful date with Lima, Peru.

