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Ebook Details
  • 03/2023
  • 979-8-9876752-1-2 B0BVSJGZ38
  • 278 pages
  • $2.99
Karen A Phillips
A Deadly Combo
What do boxing and vintage trailers have in common? Meet Raquel AKA Rocky Nelson, a retired single woman with an attitude and love for boxing. Sisters Rocky and Bridget are enjoying each other’s company at a vintage trailerfest until they stumble over a corpse. Rocky uses her courage and skills learned in boxing lessons to protect her family and keep from becoming the killer’s next victim.
Kim Davis/Bookbub

A DEADLY COMBO is the first book in the Rocky Nelson Boxing Mystery series by Karen A. Phillips. This debut mystery delivers a one-two punch with its fast-paced plot and characters that make you sit up and take notice. I adore that the protagonist, Raquel, aka Rocky, is a retired woman of a certain age. Instead of whiling away time sitting in a rocking chair, knitting away (not that there’s anything wrong with that!) she’s kicking butt and holding her own in the boxing ring at the Never Look Back gym. This brings a unique component to the cozy mystery/noir genre in that our heroine is physically strong and can defend herself if the need arises. Personally, I think Rocky is a reflection on modern day women’s mindset of strength and resilience, compared to those of previous generations… and myself being one of those women of a certain age, I heartily approve. Joining Rocky in sleuthing is her 78-year-old father. His innocent, flirtatious manner and witty banner add some humor to the pages, and he steals each scene he inhabits.

The author’s attention to detail and strong descriptive, and often humorous, voice makes the words on the pages leap to life. It adds to the enjoyment as the story unfolds. With strong characters, a great setting, and humor to round the book out, a mystery still needs well-plotted clues with compelling suspects. Have no doubt, Ms. Phillips delivers it all and more! When Rocky’s sister, Bridget, is suspected of murdering the vintage trailer restorer after she’s heard threatening him, Rocky immediately jumps in to prove her innocence. Rocky and Bridget have a tenuous relationship and Ms. Phillips adds in an element of emotional depth, that includes a long-buried family tragedy. Rocky must learn to overcome the tragedy and find inner strength to track down the killer and protect her family. With a hair-raising conclusion, I found myself turning the pages faster and faster, until I got to the end. The terrific start to this first book in the series has me eagerly waiting for a ringside seat to the next book!

I was provided with an advance copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Ebook Details
  • 03/2023
  • 979-8-9876752-1-2 B0BVSJGZ38
  • 278 pages
  • $2.99
