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Ebook Details
  • 07/2020
  • B08DSL8FS3
  • 342 pages
  • $11.99
A Fistful of Sand
Leah Rohla, author
Out of all the most improbable of possibilities a genuine miracle happens in the desert town of Starfall. The combined wishes of the people living there join together to resonate loud enough that a god is born from their long seated desires. Freya is made of wishes and grants them and grows more powerful as she does this. This fledgling god follows her instinct to grant as many wishes as feasibly possible in a growing bid to quiet the ever ceaseless hunger in the air of cravings. It is here where she flourishes at the open air bazaar full of spice traders and exotic dancers in this hidden gem buried under a sea of sand. However, the surface of the water begins to ripple and a far more unpleasant image begins to take form underneath the once clear waves. As she grows out of her naive view of the world, she sees all of the darkest parts of the enigmatic city. Time passes and she begins to unravel the sinister foundation which the city has been built upon and she has to make a decision about what kind of god she is going to become. Will she be a complacent accomplice, a submissive doll, or wrathful avenger? Each new droplet only deepens the pool of blood under the thin sprinkling of sand that tries to hide its true nature. And in this fatalistic town the sands are all stained a deep red. This young adult novel has a slightly darker and more sinister tone as it builds to its climax. It contains a lot of coming of age material with starting with small picture dilemmas, small disputes and problems. building into Freya’s ultimate bigger understanding of the world and her part in as a god. There is only one time that Freya ever refers to herself as a god which is within the climax.
Ebook Details
  • 07/2020
  • B08DSL8FS3
  • 342 pages
  • $11.99
