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Paperback Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9781035859931
  • 64 pages
  • $$7.95
Epub Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9781035859962
  • 64 pages
  • $$4.50
David Catford
A Life Sentience
This poetic book tells the story of David, a farmer born in 1960s Australia who was expected to carry on his family’s traditions on the land. We follow his life from birth to an imagined death, spanning a turbulent time when small rural communities across Australia collapsed. David’s plans are upended in the 1990s as the country suffers deregulation of the grain markets and the onset of a devastating ten-year drought. He and farmers like him have their lives forever changed, swept away by harsh economic forces and drought as family farms shut down. The book captures in verse the destruction of a cherished way of life for David, his neighbours, and rural towns. It recounts the tragedy of dreams broken when long-held farming traditions become unsustainable. By telling one man’s story, it memorializes the wider loss of community and livelihood faced by farming families across Australia in recent decades.
Paperback Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9781035859931
  • 64 pages
  • $$7.95
Epub Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9781035859962
  • 64 pages
  • $$4.50
