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Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2021
  • 9781008944800
  • 106 pages
  • $11.69
Hardcover Book Details
  • 05/2021
  • 9781667109978
  • 108 pages
  • $26.32
Tiffany Hanford
A Perfect Match: Based on a True Story
T.L. Rose, author
Everyone falls in love in their own way at their own time. This story follows the love life of Kelsey Waleko, a girl who is from Syracuse, NY and is about to move to Williamsburg, VA after accepting a job offer at a local museum. She wonders if she will ever find true love and takes a chance on a dating website. She gets an email from a Chad Hazelton that is from the Williamsburg area and is interested in getting to know her better. Will Kelsey take a chance on Chad? Will this be the start of something special? Come take a journey with Kelsey as she makes some major life changing decisions in this fun story about life and love!
Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2021
  • 9781008944800
  • 106 pages
  • $11.69
Hardcover Book Details
  • 05/2021
  • 9781667109978
  • 108 pages
  • $26.32
