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Paperback Details
  • 10/2010
  • 978-1439239629 1439239622
  • 300 pages
  • $11.20
A perspective on the Signs of Al Quran: through the prism of the heart
Saeed Malik, author

Adult; Spirituality/Inspirational; (Market)

Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 7 out of 10
Character/Execution: 7 out of 10
Overall: 7.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: A Perspective on the Signs of Al Quran is a thoughtful, in-depth exploration of the Quaran from, as Malik says in his introduction, "merely one perspective from the moving train of life."

Prose: Malik's work is thoughtful, informative, and well-researched. Scholarly in tone, the work is clearly not meant for a casual readership, but will be most appreciated by those already somewhat well-versed in the text and its meanings.

Originality: Though somewhat lacking in approachability, this work is admirable and remarkable in its depth.

Character/Execution: Malik invites readers to dive deeply into the Quran and provides ample guidance. The scholarly (yet spiritual) approach seems especially well-aimed toward religious scholars looking for alternate readings (and meanings) behind the sacred text--regardless of religion.





Date Submitted: January 18, 2024

Kirkus Reviews

Malik approaches mystical lyricism in his eloquent devotional guide to Islamic spirituality.


A semiconductors entrepreneur, Malik sees Islam not as a religion but as one path to spirituality—the difference being that any sincere faith leads to God. That reassuring inclusivity enlivens the book, as Malik presents what is unique about Islam but also what links it to other ways to God. For Muslims, the Quran is a living source of wisdom, giving timeless principles for conduct. As such, it is much more than a physical book; rather, it is a “sea of signs” that speaks to all. Arabic is inseparable from the Quran’s beauty, so every quotation is given in both the original Arabic and in an English translation. Malik emphasizes that faith requires resting in uncertainty without abandoning rationality. Submission (the definition of “Islam”) is a way of life that avoids the prison of dogma. “Submission to God (Islam) is not exactly a ‘religion,’ ” Malik says. “It is both less and more.” Indeed, Malik refutes dogmas that have long twisted the Abrahamic faiths: He proposes heaven and hell as states of mind rather than physical locations, and he argues that since Islam respects the sanctity of life, God never supports aggressors. Jihad is primarily a term for Muslims’ struggle against oppression; usually this is an inner battle, but when it does take the form of outward action, it must be motivated by a desire for justice—“Jihad cannot ever be a ‘holy war,’ ” Malik says. A section on Muhammad as a historical figure goes into a level of detail that might not be necessary for a spiritual guidebook, but only occasionally does the mystical tone veer into New Ageism. For the most part, Malik sticks to practical, heartfelt scriptural commentary. One could even imagine the 100 names of Allah (comprising one-third of the text) serving any member of any faith in a devotional context, as a reminder of the often contradictory nature of the divine: both “The Giver of Life” and “The Giver of Death”; “outwardly Manifest” yet “inwardly Hidden.”



A useful, articulate spiritual commentary on the Quran

Paperback Details
  • 10/2010
  • 978-1439239629 1439239622
  • 300 pages
  • $11.20
