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Ellen Edmondson
A Place of Love & Light: A Journey Back to Compassion, Authenticity, and Making a Positive Contribution to the World

How can I bring my true self into a world that pushes conformity? A Place of Love & Light addresses this and much more. This book takes you on a journey to expand your awareness and connection with your spirituality and Divine Love, it inspires you to embrace your life’s purpose, and start a ripple effect of positive change, one person at a time. This collection of wisdom will resonate deeply and touch your soul. A Place of Love & Light is filled with thought-provoking scriptures, inspirational quotes, reflective questions, and simple exercises to anchor its guidance. In this book, you will discover the answers to these timeless questions and more: How do I strengthen my relationship with my higher source? How do I deepen my connection with my soul’s wisdom? How can I embrace who I really am and live life authentically? Do my life and my contribution to humanity and the world matter? Why am I here? Don’t wait! Now is the time to let your personal and spiritual awakening begin.

