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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 12/2016
  • 0998208701 B01LXP8PNL
  • 350 pages
  • $2.99
Misty Beller
A Pony Express Romance (Sweetwater River Tales Book 1)
After growing up as an orphan, Josiah English wants nothing more than to have his own ranch and raise Arabian horses. Riding for the Pony Express seems like the ticket to his dream. And when he meets the stationmaster’s beautiful sister, it seems he may be within reach of the happy life he craves. Mara Reid is thrilled to finally meet the man of her dreams, and the fact that they both want to raise horses in the Sweetwater River valley seems like confirmation straight from God. But when the Express shuts down and Mara's family home is in peril, the danger looming over Mara's life may not be half as destructive as that threatening her heart.
In Beller’s (The Rancher Takes a Cook) first installment of her new Sweetwater River Tales series, a handsome Pony Express rider contends with the Wild West. Josiah English’s plans of starting his own horse ranch are thwarted when his 12-year savings are stolen by bandits. With only 50 dollars left to his name, he heads to the Wyoming station and is surprised to see it run by a woman and her two brothers. Josiah is quickly taken by Mara’s simple beauty, skill with the horses, her ability to talk to the Cheyenne in their tongue, and even her terrible cooking. As the two bond and begin falling in love, Josiah doubts that he is worthy of Mara. When the Pony Express begins losing its business to the telegraph, Josiah must make a difficult decision. After he winds up hurting Mara, he realizes it is not easy to gain back what is lost. Despite mistakes, love triumphs in this relaxing 19th-century western romance. (BookLife)
Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 12/2016
  • 0998208701 B01LXP8PNL
  • 350 pages
  • $2.99
