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Jill Culiner
A Room in Blake's Folly
If only the walls could speak… In one hundred and fifty years, Blake's Folly, a silver boomtown notorious for its brothels,
scarlet ladies, silver barons, speakeasies, and divorce ranches, has become a semi-ghost town.
Although the old Mizpah Saloon is still in business, its upper floor is sheathed in dust. But in a
room at a long corridor's end, an adventurer, a beautiful dance girl, and a rejected wife were once caught in a love triangle, and their secret has touched three generations.
Lisa McCombs for Reader's Favorite

J. Arlene Culiner does it again with A Room in Blake’s Folly. Rich detail and scintillating dialogue transport the reader through the decades between 1889 and 2022 of this surprising saga revolving around the dark corner room above the Mizpah Saloon. With flowing descriptive phrases ("… the walls had a yellowish hue that only time could bring") and timely town progression, Culiner effectively intertwines the characters and descendants of Blake’s Folly. As the town population grows and falls because of overhunting, pollution, and the realities of environmental changes, the charm of this old world community remains intact. Cheers for this book!

