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Cinzi Lavin
A Strand of Truth
Cinzi Lavin, author

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Market)

Nobody would’ve imagined that a federal agent would find success helping the government in an unlikely undercover position, nor the possibility of his becoming embroiled in a cross-country adventure to escape a ruthless crime syndicate. However, that’s exactly what happened, and once a fatal chain of events was set in motion, the agent and a hapless civilian find themselves traveling from Chicago to Texas, living by their wits, and struggling to thwart a remorseless serial killer on the loose, whose family and fortune stand between him and justice. Through breathtaking twists and turns, both unexpected allies and bitter reverses shape the destiny of the final outcome, as the agent and his charge discover they share a common sorrow. In the end, the courage of one man brings the tale to a shocking conclusion, proving that “good can come out of anywhere, but evil always has a pedigree.”
