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Ebook Details
  • 08/2024
  • 979-8-9909402-1-5 B0D6W6FLCY
  • 316 pages
  • $9.99
Paperback Details
  • 08/2024
  • 979-8-9909402-2-2
  • 316 pages
  • $15.95
Kori Hahn
A Temple of Her Own: Unfiltered Confessions of One Woman's Self-Love Adventure
Kori Hahn, author
A Temple of Her Own is a treasure map for the soul, guiding readers through the mystical landscapes of India, Sri Lanka and Bali while learning the basics of sacred feminism. As Kori pops in and out of the temples dedicated to the Hindu goddesses, she discovers the art of self-love and empowerment in the most unexpected places. With unflinching honesty and a contagious sense of humor, Kori guides us through the turbulent waters of divorce, depression and life's myriad disappointments. Each chapter delves into the profound lessons of the 10 main Hindu goddesses, weaving their ancient wisdom into the fabric of her modern-day experiences. From the chaos of heartbreak to the serene shores of self-discovery, Kori's narrative is a beacon of light for anyone seeking solace and courage in their own journey. In A Temple of Her Own, you will laugh, cry, and feel inspired as Kori fearlessly bares her soul. Her adventures are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of embracing one's inner divinity. This book is a delightful blend of giggles, growth and goddess wisdom, inviting readers to dance through their own unique temples of self-love and emerge with a shimmering promise of dawn breaking through the night.
Amy Leigh Mecree, Best Selling Author

In A Temple of Her Own, Hahn fearlessly bares her soul as she navigates the tumultuous waters of her dark night of the soul.  In a delightful blend of giggles, growth and goddess wisdom, this spiritual journey will make you laugh, cry and learn to love yourself at the same time. Hahn finds a mysterious path of sacred feminism which she shares for all of us to see.  Her raw, unflinching truths are relatable and soul-touching.


Kori Hahn beautifully captures the essence of the human experience.  A Temple of Her Own is a modern woman's sacred pilgrimage learning to love herself after the depression and devastation of divorce.  While traveling through India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, Kori finds the wild Hindu goddesses as her most supportive spiritual girl gang, showing her an unknown path of sacred feminism that most women will relate with and benefit by knowing.  This adventure will make you laugh, cry, and fill you up with inspiration.


Richard Baimbridge, Yoga Journal Asia

“The journey of a globe-trekking single mother facing the struggles of love, yearning & loss in a post-Covid world. Kori delivers a beautiful story of strength, resilience and inspiration, with each individual vignette dedicated to a different Hindu goddess, all wrapped together neatly like a sacred box of chocolates.”

Wander Magazine

Delightful, engaging and spiritually profound.

More than just a journey of self-discovery and empowerment after a painful breakup—though it is that, too—this book is profound in its raw honesty. Many envision a life of freedom, authenticity, abundance, and happiness, but aren’t willing to do the work it takes to achieve it. Through pain and discomfort, the author discovers the importance of self-reflection, creativity, self-love, and trusting in the journey. Through her, we embrace our own imperfections and desires. Honest, relatable, and at times laugh-out-loud funny, you’ll root for Kori and find that through her journey, you fed your soul as well.



Ebook Details
  • 08/2024
  • 979-8-9909402-1-5 B0D6W6FLCY
  • 316 pages
  • $9.99
Paperback Details
  • 08/2024
  • 979-8-9909402-2-2
  • 316 pages
  • $15.95
