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Kat Panos
Emme Winters is having a difficult pregnancy, and it’s not just the backaches and heartburn. The Voice in Her Head has come back, and her long-lost father, Keith, has too. He has a theory after all of these years – and he knows it sounds nuts – but he has reason to believe that The Voice isn’t schizophrenia at all, but her birth mother’s soul trapped inside her, desperate to get out. As his daughter’s health dips to dangerous levels, and the doctors can’t figure out what to do, Keith feels he has no other choice but to seek out the only person who might be able to help – Emme’s mysterious, and some say deranged, grandfather, Gaston, a self-professed shaman living in a Northern Michigan teepee. Keith decides to take his chances inside Gaston’s mystical world of black magic and spirits. It's an eye-opening experience that leaves him questioning everything he ever believed about the definitions of life, death, crazy, and sane. In the end, Gaston’s “cure” appears to be successful, but Keith is left wondering, has he just saved his daughter – or made a deal with the devil?
