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Aatma (The Soul) ISBN 978-93-5529-704-4
The original anthology, Aatma is written in Telugu, by Raamaa Chandramouli and reveals the two worlds that man has within and outside. Without marring the beauty of the original, an attempt is made to offer the experiences through 35 selected poems which are translated into English by Durga Sasi Kiran Saripalli. Poet Raamaa Chandramouli is a well-known wizard of a poet and a prolific Telugu writer with fourteen anthologies of poetry out of which six were translated into English. He won countless awards for his poems, short stories and novels. Many of his writings were converted into visual media as short films and melo dramas. Poet Raamaa Chandramouli in this elegant and subtle anthology brought out his inner anguish about the outside world’s turmoil very well. His sensitive mind doesn’t waver in bringing out the truth soaked in genuine tears. Niyatikrita niyama rahitam, hladaikamayi mananya paratantram//Navarasa ruchiram nirmiti, madadhati kaver Jayati - (Kavya Prakasam) Prof. Durga Sasi Kiran Saripalli, MA, PhD is an able translator and a well-known academician who took the huge task of translating a seasoned poet’s poems into an alien language and executed it very well. Her translation style is simple, straightforward and succulent. Aatma is interpreted as breath, or self or soul with subtle differences. Aatma is referred to as pure consciousness or witness consciousness beyond identification with phenomena.
