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Linda Watkins
Abducted, A Kate Pomeroy Mystery
>>>What would you do if, suddenly, your worst nightmare became your new reality? It's mid-July and Dr. Kate Pomeroy is in town for the final fitting on her wedding gown. She and Jeremy plan to marry the following weekend, an event that Kate is looking forward to with all her heart. But unbeknownst to her, she is being stalked and, as she walks to the water taxi stand, is accosted, incapacitated and stolen away to an uncertain and dangerous future. Will she survive the mental and physical torture she will be forced to endure? And will Jeremy be able find her in time? "...Watkins delves even deeper into the darkness with Abducted, the third installment of the Kate Pomeroy Mystery Series. The previous books are standouts in the modern mystery genre, and this psychological race against time may prove to be Watkins' best yet." ~Self-Publishing Review Abducted is the third novel in the Kate Pomeroy Gothic Mystery Series. The first two novels, Storm Island and The Tao of the Viper are also available on Amazon.
