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Achilles Heel - Your Stalker Solution
E J Phillips, author
Colleen has an unremitting stalker. “Achilles Heel” is a clandestine organisation existing in the shadows of society, well financed and expertly organised with the mission to get stalkers to desist or face stark and embarrassing consequences. Colleen has had “Achilles Heel” involved but as he clearly is incapable of getting the message, they set up a “sting” operation which publicly exposes him, makes him the subject of Social Media viral posts and also of a major TV channel. He appears to be shafted. The stalker having discarded an important piece of paper at the “sting” is unaware it is now in the hands of someone who is able to both decipher it and follow it up. What happens next is a complete game changer. The TV expose vanishes. No one knows why. A new local radio station “Squawk FM” and it’s new staff including a raw young researcher, Lizzie Spector, discover the reason – a Super Injunction. The hunt is then on for it. Given the impossible nature of trying to expose a Super Injunction, ingenuity par excellence is required. The Police, whilst sympathetic haven’t the resources. Nevertheless, DC Angela Peake of the Met Police Anti-Stalking Task Force does some important work in respect of the issue, happening to have accidentally witnessed the “sting”. An ambitious “mover and shaker”, she uses her abilities to track “Achilles Heel” only to be apprehended by them and nullified in a most horrible way. This is a story in itself.
