Plot: Praise for Act Normal should include the following: it is so well-paced and plotted that readers may forget that it is not, in fact, a novel.
Prose: The prose is intensely readable—a side effect of the clean, well-constructed sentences from which the author seems incapable of deviating.
Originality: The author's ultimate treatment of her past is a familiar one. However, the content of the story feels new and original.
Character Development: The characters here—primary and secondary—are well crafted, unique, and feel like real people.
Date Submitted: April 23, 2018
"Vividly written, without ever being condescendingly self-important..." - Jonny, Amazon Review
"This is one of the most honest and gripping stories I have ever read." - Chris, Amazon Review
"Suspenseful and rivoting...I couldn't put it down." - Susan, Amazon Review
"It's witty all throughout, sober when it needs to be, and full of life like very few books I've read." - Daniel, Amazon Review
"In the era of #metoo and perhaps, more importantly, #churchtoo, this book is arriving at just the right time to be heard in our culture." - Billy, Amazon Review
"The story keeps you on the edge of your seat and captivated page after page." - Shadow_Wanderer, Amazon Review
"This is a book for the #metoo and #churchtoo generation. It’s the reality that so many Christians who have grown-up in the Church face, where religion was too often used as a weapon and not enough as a shield." - Zach, Amazon Review