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Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2022
  • 979-8404994049 B09QP56V7P
  • 190 pages
  • $27
Ebook Details
  • 01/2022
  • B09QP56V7P
  • 181 pages
  • $10
Ralph Meyers
ADHD IS CURABLE: precise diagnosis - optimized outcome (ADS ist heilbar)
Ralph Meyers, author
Why do I propose another book on AD(H)D? Because the published „state of the art“ still is devastating, when you look on the numbers affected and the general treatment outcome. The topic is in increasing demand with experts and laymen as well. My book will be able to change the game. Imagine millions of people affected by ADD or ADHD with grave consequences for their lives and families. And there is a cure for ADHD that is now available in an updated version for your MD, when he/she decides to follow my principles for precise diagnosis and therapy controls. This book does away with three misconceptions about attention deficit disorder. First, it shows: ADD is not a fashion diagnosis, but a disease that many people suffer from. Secondly, it can be objectively diagnosed. And finally, thirdly: ADD is curable! But ADHD does not vanish on its own. The brain has yet been able to make insufficient learning progress, and this causes the disorder. This book introduces a new concept in diagnostics and therapy support. It explains how it is possible to promote the further development of the brain and enable those affected to lead a healthy life.

Dr. Ralph Meyers is an authority on the subject of ADHD and related fields, to which he brings timely new insights based on scientific research and observation; what’s more, his important work ADHD is Curable is not full of incomprehensible jargon, but is written in very accessible language; it is meant to be a guide not only to professionals in the field but to laypeople; both those living with ADHD as well as those supporting them frequently struggle to understand the both the true nature of the illness AND worry about the appropriateness, efficacy and the risks related to long-term intake of the standard drugs-based medication. ADHD is Curable fills that long-standing need. On top of that, it offers the prospect of a cure for the disorder, an aim hitherto considered elusive or even downright impossible.
From the very outset the book lays out some of the myths and misunderstandings about the disorder, in many cases leading to faulty or inadequate treatment; often both diagnosis and treatment are too generalized, taking insufficient or no account of the patient’s personal and cultural circumstances. As against this Dr. Meyers explains his own wide-ranging, innovative and comprehensive methods, based on extensive research, observation, testing and successful treatment of patients and combining both an individualized and holistic approach. He makes a convincing case for the objective OPATUS-CPTa testing method, reimbursed by the German health insurance companies and hopes this book will raise awareness and motivate patients, their families and friends to demand scientifically based diagnostics, multimodal therapy and therapy control.
A step-by-step appraisal of each of the six chapters is probably the best way to demonstrate the usefulness of the book.
Chapter one deals with the causes and symptoms of the disorder as well as the consequences of untreated and/or wrongly treated ADHD. A highly interesting and fascinating section is the one on brain activity in ADHD patients. All current theory and practice is dealt with critically, to enable parents to determine real cases of ADHD. The differences and commonalities between ADHD and ADD are explained in clear and understandable language.
The second chapter devotes itself to the various kinds of initial examinations Dr. Meyer carries out in his practice. These are comprehensive, ranging from physical and psychiatric examinations to as far back as the circumstances surrounding the patient’s birth. Various figures and case studies are employed to explain how the OPATUS-CPTa test works for various age groups and how it is used to assess improvements in the patients’ state. The connections between ADHD and other disorders such as epilepsy, speech and hearing disorders are explained.
In chapter three diagnoses similar to and concurrent with ADHD and their interrelatedness or otherwise, ranging from Tourette Syndrome to depression, deficiencies and early childhood reflexes are discussed in detail. Here the importance of correctly identifying parallel or complementary developmental disorders becomes evident, as this is crucial for the optimization of the overall treatment. Numerous case-studies are provided as examples. Chances are, readers will recognize a familiar pattern of symptoms or behaviour from the case studies, enhancing the book’s relevance for them.
Chapter four lays out the various options as regards conventional drug treatments currently in use. The pros and cons plus side effects of each are explained, especially emphasizing the importance of doctor’s expertise in fitting the medicine to the patient and that of close monitoring of progress at regular intervals. The possibility of combining drugs with educational and psychotherapeutic therapies is discussed. Patients suffering from mild ADS will be interested to learn that they might qualify for homeopathic treatment. Here, too, case studies abound.
In chapter five the non-drug treatments options for ADHD are discussed. Crucially, the importance of supplementing these with medication at an early stage is emphasized. This is, in a way, the crux of the matter, i.e. how to best reach the goal of not only treating, but of successfully curing ADHD. Educational and psychotherapeutic interventions combined with relaxation techniques can be employed to optimize the effects of drug administration in order to achieve that result.
The final chapter discusses the prognosis for curing ADHD with the help of case studies involving adolescents, adults and children, with the approximate time required by four age groups for an optimized therapy to be successful.
A useful list of further reading is provided at the end of each chapter.
All in all well worth the read!

Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2022
  • 979-8404994049 B09QP56V7P
  • 190 pages
  • $27
Ebook Details
  • 01/2022
  • B09QP56V7P
  • 181 pages
  • $10
