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Paperback Details
  • 08/2015
  • 9781515259800 1515259803
  • 108 pages
  • $8.99
Robert Lampros

Afternoon is a novella for young adults about courage, faith in Jesus Christ, and growing up in a surreal and challenging world.

Lora Palmer, YA Writer

Discover Afternoon, a new YA Novella by Robert Lampros

I immensely enjoyed Andrew's journey through his junior year of high school, from paintball games with his family, to the stresses of his academics, a near-death experience that leaves him knowing he has more work to do on Earth for the Lord, his job at a local coffee shop/restaurant, and planning a mission trip over the summer.  Yes, this guy has a lot on his plate, both emotionally and in terms of the demands of a busy student's life, so I connected with him on that level and rooted for him to succeed at all of these challenges.

Through it all, Andrew struggles with faith and questions of why he's still alive.  He also struggles to maintain his relationships with friends through the busy year--and faces the growing realization of his own role in the failure of his previous romance with the girl he loves, Jane.  While they were dating, Andrew hadn't shown how much he appreciated her, and so she distanced herself from him.  Maybe, just maybe, he can get a second chance with her...

Afternoon is a feel-good, fun and quick read, laced with wit and humor, and I hope you check it out and enjoy it as much as I did.

AFTERNOON review by Lora Palmer

Paperback Details
  • 08/2015
  • 9781515259800 1515259803
  • 108 pages
  • $8.99
