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Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2022
  • 9798824008821
  • 202 pages
  • $10.98
Stevie B
Stevie B, author
Young adult fiction with cross-generational appeal employing a mash-up of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking-Glass and M. N. Shyamalan’s, The Sixth Sense. It plays to the mind of the inner child of every adult who’s grappled with the un-realness of reality. Alice, a Croatian immigrant working in the food and beverage industry just turned twenty-six, discovered she’s pregnant and is someone who fell down that rabbit hole of debt during the COVID-19 pandemic when bars and restaurants were forced to close for many months. The cast of characters range from a hookah-smoking caterpillar transmogrified into a human bartender, then a butterfly, to bloodthirsty queens, eternally tardy rabbits, hatters, Gods, ass-kicking knights, talking flowers, cats, insects, the Jimi Hendrix Experience, members of a club catering to the golden showers crowd called Wee The People, unicorns, lions... Anyone who ever dropped acid, peyote, mescaline, or done mushrooms, has already met Alice.
Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2022
  • 9798824008821
  • 202 pages
  • $10.98
