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Nick Bruechle
All Writers Are Liars
Meet Baker McCloud, Malcolm Talbit and Murray Flout; three writers inhabiting the same mind and writing their truths as fast as their keyboards can clack. McCloud is an ordinary everyday author and champion of the humble cliché whose real job is to write victim impact statements and take care of his lawyer wife Edie. He’s writing the story of Malcolm, a publishing industry stalwart and drawing room comedy writer who is dealing with the loss of his mother and the enmity of her fabulously wealthy but awful friends. His implacable grief and self-pity have driven his wife Lucy away in the worst possible way. Malcolm’s creation Murray is an opinionated misanthrope who is writing a surprisingly sensitive and deep…literary hoax? As these three (four if you count Srei, the Cambodian survivor of the Khmer Rouge years) weave their stories, broad, subtle truths arise from their honest lies, and the reader is immersed in their entangled, entertaining worlds.
