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Amazing Adventures With Dev
Have you experienced the deep loss of a precious loved one — your son, your daughter? My son, Devon, left this earth Good Friday, 3/29/2013. He was 23 years old. Dev and I have always had a deep and mysterious connection. Our relationship continues on beyond his physical life and manifests in joyful, loving, and extraordinary experiences. Our story will give you the opportunity to engage with a powerful spiritual journey while also getting to know Dev as he was in earthly life. Amazing Adventures with Dev will offer opportunities to: •\texplore the transformative power of love •\texpand your awareness and open your heart •\tcontemplate life after death •\texperience awe-inspiring realities beyond this one •\tappreciate the natural healing of grief This is a moving story of Devon’s life and challenges that will inspire you by his courage and the mystery of our relationship dazzle you by the alluring peeks at other realities beyond this one. This is a heart-warming and heart-wrenching story. It will bring you comfort and useful tools as you move through your life. This book of love and wonder is for you! SBN 13 (SOFT): 9781504367639 ISBN 13 (HARD): 9781504367646 ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781504367837
