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Amory Patrick Blaine
American Renaissance; Or Inquiry Concerning Political Justice In The Arts & Its Influence On Morals and Happiness
Analyzing heinous hidden historical crimes from the recently retrieved declassified documents and diaries of a compromised government informant, American Renaissance traces the sudden rise and tragic ambition of the late artistic and political revolutionary Sean Dorian Knight, a brilliant young American artist whose radical theory of art history at the turn of the millennium attracts a violent religious cult following that threatens to upend - not only world peace and Wall Street - but forever change our fundamental faith in the economic order and civilization as we know it. Taken from the confidential government cables and confiscated journals of an undercover young American soldier-spy and aspiring poet in 1990s Paris, this heart-rending testimony, only recently found and leaked from a series of government files found at Mar-a-Lago, is at once the story of the infamous artist’s most devoted disciple and a vital public record of his harrowing experience as the sole survivor of a secret mission of unspeakable evil. When, days after a violent explosion in the City of Light, he awakens from a coma to discover that three of his platoon mates are dead and receives shocking orders from his new commanding officer, facing him with a cruel choice: to either kill his best friend or the woman he loves. So, we are led through the eyes of an embedded informant on the mind-bending tale and cryptic path of art history, espionage, and government secrets: On the hunt for a mysterious enemy, one whose anonymous identity and prophesied rise – till this day – the government will use any amount of deadly force to keep hidden and destroy.
