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Lucen Geist
American Vampires
Nick Totem, author
One day, Leland Slade, an emergency room doctor, saw a man lying on the sidewalk. The man might need help. Despite having a daughter with terminal cancer waiting for him at home, he stopped to see if he could help. Unbeknown to him, the man was a vampire, Count Heideker, who had fallen out of an airplane after a fight with his arch enemy Baron Havenstein. \tHis act of kindness led Leland Slade and his daughter, Julia, into the world of the vampires, a world that possessed incredible power over the human world, that stretched across all continents and back in time through the millenia. \tAs Leland and Julia navigated this world, they would learn about the origin of the vampires, their strengths and weaknesses. And they found themselves in the middle of a war between Count Heideker and Baron Havenstein. \tLeland would do everything he could to ensure the survival of his daughter, but he also desperately wanted to keep a secret alive, one that might offer humanity a chance of freedom from the power of the vampires.
