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Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2017
  • 9780995292123
  • 382 pages
  • $20.95
Nicholas Kinsey
An Absolute Secret
A nordic noir spy thriller based on real wartime intelligence operations in Sweden. This is book two in our series of outstanding historical fiction novels. On his first assignment for MI6, British agent Peter Faye is sent to Stockholm to spy on German intelligence officer Karl-Heinz Kramer. At the British legation, he meets his new boss Bridget, a very proper, smart-as-a-whip, diplomat's daughter and immediately falls in love with her. They struggle to work together as they recruit Hanne, a Jewish cleaning lady who works for the Kramers. Hanne makes a copy of the key to Kramer's desk drawer and delivers secret documents to Peter and his driver Bernie who photograph them in a shed nearby. The documents are so sensitive they cause a huge commotion in London. Peter and Bridget become the target of soviet agents after Peter meets with a colonel of Finnish Radio Intelligence who has information on Soviet moles in Britain. After an NKVD hit squad arrives from Moscow, Peter and Bridget are on the run with no place to hide. An intelligent spy story in the genre John le Carré based on the wartime experience of SIS officer Peter Falk (Faye), SOE officer Ewan Butler, British Legation Chief Victor Mallet and German Abwehr officer Karl-Heinz Kramer. An espionage and spy thriller set in Sweden, based on a true story about an MI6 agent in Sweden.
Amazon Review

"The novel is richly evocative, skillfully paced and a real page-turner." 

CBC Producer "Quebec AM"

"A remarkable story with a Canadian connection", Susan Campbell.

Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2017
  • 9780995292123
  • 382 pages
  • $20.95
