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An Almighty God? Get Serious!/ Trophies of Grace

Airplane strangers from opposite sides of the country turn coauthors and announce launch of two compelling stories published under one cover: Karen’s mistreatment by the arrogant, powerful, and depraved President Director and Darlene’s bout with a very large, life-threatening brain tumor connected these two passengers more cogently than the sudden flight change that set their unanticipated encounter into motion. Having already begun writing their individual manuscripts, Darlene and Karen believe they were brought together for a purpose --- to communicate through their memoirs the abiding and restorative treasures each has found in Christ Jesus: hope within the world’s often drudging annals of time, and hope-affirming blessings…. Their stories convey the message that Almighty God actively loves and pursues each person, desiring that everyone earnestly seek Him, and moreover, that God rewards those who submit to Him in faith, pouring out blessings on His children… preludes to the capstone reward of life with Him throughout the timelessness of eternity. Their dual-titled book, An Almighty God? Get Serious! /Trophies of Grace, is available now in hardcover, paperback, and eBook and can be found at Barnes & Noble,,, Apple Books,, and other venues. Next plans for Karen and Darlene include a Meet the Reader book signing tour in October through parts of Arkansas and Louisiana.

