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Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798223409779
  • 78 pages
  • $2.77
Paperback Details
  • 09/2023
  • 9798223828075
  • 80 pages
  • $5.10
Robert Hall
Author, Illustrator
An Interesting Discussion With Artificial Intelligence
Robert Hall, author
I had a thought, this sometimes happens and my friends become concerned. I asked Artificial Intelligence, A.I., some questions about The Bible, A Course In Miracles (A.C.I.M.) by Helen Schucman, and Disappearance Of The Universe by Gary Renard. I used the Microsoft Bing search engine. I know you’ll find the answers very interesting. I know I have. -Bob Q. \tAccording to the Bible, can God be jealous, vindictive, and cruel? A.\tAccording to the Bible, God is described as having a range of emotions, including jealousy. In Exodus 20:5, God says, “You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God.” However, it’s significant to note that the concept of jealousy in this context is different from the human emotion of jealousy. God’s jealousy is often understood as righteous jealousy for His people, whom He loves and wants to protect from harm. The Bible also contains passages where God is described as punishing those who disobey Him. However, many people believe that these actions are not vindictive or cruel, but rather are just and necessary consequences for disobedience. It’s essential to note that interpretations of the Bible can vary, and different people may have different understandings of these passages. Ultimately, whether God can be jealous, vindictive, and cruel according to the Bible is a matter of personal belief and interpretation. Q.\tAccording to A.C.I.M can God be jealous, vindictive, and cruel? A. According to A Course In Miracles (ACIM), God is not capable of being jealous, vindictive, or cruel. ACIM teaches that God is Love and that His nature is only loving. The book presents a view of God as a loving creator who does not punish or condemn His creations. Instead, ACIM teaches that any perception of punishment or cruelty is a result of our own mistaken beliefs and not a reflection of God’s true nature.
Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798223409779
  • 78 pages
  • $2.77
Paperback Details
  • 09/2023
  • 9798223828075
  • 80 pages
  • $5.10
