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Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9798891321236 B0CWF9ZQC4
  • 312 pages
  • $19.99
Phillip Mandel
Author, Editor (anthology)
An MFA for Your MBA

The world of business is filled with jargon, cliché, and nauseating work-speak. This book aims to fix that.

CEO Weekly

In the heart of every professional lies a storyteller waiting to be awakened. This truth, often overlooked in the cutthroat world of business, has found its champion in an unprecedented literary endeavor. “An MFA For Your MBA,” written by Phillip Scott Mandel and set to hit the shelves on May 15th, is not just a book; it’s a movement. Spearheaded by an accomplished professional writer and the managing editor of Abandon Journal, as well as the founder of Mandel Marketing in Austin, this work promises to transform mundane business communication into a compelling narrative.

The genesis of this innovative project took root during a reflective walk amid the pandemic’s quiet chaos. Mandel mused on the stark contrast between the evocative storytelling nurtured within creative writing graduate programs and the often dry, uninspired prose prevalent in business writing. It was this disparity that sparked an idea: why not bridge these worlds? Why not infuse business writing with the creativity and depth fostered by an MFA program? With no existing guidebook in sight, the decision was made to forge a new path.

“An MFA For Your MBA” goes beyond traditional writing advice that mechanically warns against adverbs or passive voice. Instead, it invites readers into a rich dialogue about thinking profoundly and crafting narratives free from clichés of speech and thought. This isn’t merely about avoiding certain words or phrases; it’s about elevating communication to an art form. It’s about “thinking deeply.”

It’s also about practice, as the book is replete with functional–and fun–writing exercises to get your creative juices flowing and your revision skills flexing. (And if you like writing exercises, look for the “MFA For Your MBA Workbook” from Mandel later this year.)

Targeting a broad audience—from sales teams and software engineers to doctors, lawyers, architects, educators, librarians, and administrators—this book acknowledges that effective communication is foundational across professions. In today’s fast-paced world where attention is fragmented and fleeting, capturing and maintaining one’s interest through engaging storytelling can make all the difference.

Structured as an engaging read that marries wit with wisdom, “An MFA For Your MBA” presents itself as both breezy and funny while simultaneously imaginative and instructive. The book encourages professionals to delve deeper than surface-level communication, challenging them to explore more nuanced ways of expressing ideas—a skillset invaluable for anyone whose job hinges on clear and impactful communication.

As we navigate through its chapters, readers will discover strategies for infusing life into reports, emails, presentations, and all forms of professional correspondence. By applying lessons typically reserved for creative writers—such as understanding audience nuance, developing a compelling voice, and mastering narrative flow—business communications can transcend their traditionally staid boundaries.

In essence, “An MFA For Your MBA” doesn’t just advocate for better writing; it champions transformative thinking. It posits that when we allow ourselves to think like artists—when we approach our professional tasks with imagination—we unlock new levels of creativity that can revolutionize our workplace interactions.

This book serves as both testament and guide to transcending conventional business rhetoric by embracing our inherent narrative instincts. Whether drafting a proposal or communicating with clients or colleagues across various mediums—the principles contained within these pages are universally applicable.

In anticipation of it release on May 15th, “An MFA For Your MBA” stands poised to redefine professional excellence across industries. By marrying the analytical rigor of an MBA with the creative flourish of an MFA program, “An MFA For Your MBA” promises not only to enhance how professionals communicate but also how they think about communication itself—as an art form deserving attention beyond mere transactional exchanges.

As we step into this new paradigm heralded by “An MFA For Your MBA,” let us embrace this opportunity to enliven our workplaces with narratives that inspire action through engagement rather than compulsion—an aspiration worthy not only for those in marketing but for any individual committed to making meaningful connections in their professional lives.

By reimagining what business writing can be, “An MFA For Your MBA” beckons us towards a future where every memo sparks curiosity, every report tells a story, and every presentation captivates—an era where professional communication is not just understood but felt deeply by its audience.

Kirkus Reviews

Mandel, the founder of a marketing firm, offers a guidebook for improving one’s prose. 

In his nonfiction debut, the author, who has an MFA degree in fiction from Texas State University and an MA in literature from New York University, extols the many benefits of honing one’s prose. His main focus is on how writing is used in the business world, where, he says, “derivative junk, timewasters, clichés, and jargon” abound, although “a few original, actionable items are communicated.” His core contention couldn’t be more straightforward—“it is our imperative to control language, lest it control us”—and to this end, he lays out a series of fast-paced chapters on how to communicate effectively with the written word. He asserts that he’s not trying to “make business-speak into modern art”; instead, he aims to provide readers with a series of useful discussions and writing exercises. He covers such subjects as establishing a writing practice and correctly gauging one’s target readership, and he devotes a pleasing amount of space to a key problem of business-world writing: clichés. “They make your writing weak, and they weaken your argument,” he rightly points out. Through all of this, Mandel appealingly takes his own advice; his prose is crisp and smoothly readable (though it occasionally lapses into profanity, which may not be to all tastes), and he effectively makes his point that improving one’s prose style is about asserting “ownership” of one’s voice. Readers from the corporate world who’ve fallen into the trap of using surface and effort as active verbs, or of using the lazy adjective doable, will find a great deal of food for thought in these pages.  

A lively and genuinely helpful book of writing advice. 

Verdict: Get it.

Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9798891321236 B0CWF9ZQC4
  • 312 pages
  • $19.99
