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Ebook Details
  • 05/2024
  • 979-8-9905837-2-6 B0D2L2SBBL
  • 345 pages
  • $9.99
An Ocean Life
T.R. Cotwell, author
Following years of grappling with financial challenges, Mark at last secures the vital funding required to sustain his ailing company. Filled with a profound sense of relief and newfound optimism, Mark decides to celebrate by treating his family to a long-awaited vacation—a chance to temporarily escape the pressures that have weighed heavily on them for so long. He also yearns to reignite the spark in his marriage. However, their peaceful retreat is abruptly shattered when fate intervenes, thrusting Mark into the depths of uncertainty and peril. A sudden and terrifying encounter with an apex predator leaves Mark stranded and isolated, adrift in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Cut off from civilization and grappling with the harsh realities of survival, Mark is forced to confront his own limitations and vulnerability. With no tools or technology at his disposal, he must rely solely on his ingenuity, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination to navigate the treacherous waters and find his way back home to his loved ones.
Flavio Correa

Following years of grappling with financial challenges, Mark at last secures the vital funding required to sustain his ailing company. Filled with a profound sense of relief and newfound optimism, Mark decides to celebrate by treating his family to a long-awaited vacation—a chance to temporarily escape the pressures that have weighed heavily on them for so long. He also yearns to reignite the spark in his marriage.
However, their peaceful retreat is abruptly shattered when fate intervenes, thrusting Mark into the depths of uncertainty and peril. A sudden and terrifying encounter with an apex predator leaves Mark stranded and isolated, adrift in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Cut off from civilization and grappling with the harsh realities of survival, Mark is forced to confront his own limitations and vulnerability. With no tools or technology at his disposal, he must rely solely on his ingenuity, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination to navigate the treacherous waters and find his way back home to his loved ones.

The gripping tale "An Ocean Life" by T.R. Cotwell transports readers to the depths of a harrowing survival story intertwined with deep themes of self-discovery and the human spirit's resiliency.

With its vivid descriptions and cinematic style, Cotwell's work stands out. He uses literary devices that gave me the impression that I was seeing an intense movie develop. You'll find yourself glued to the pages with this fast-paced, visually captivating story that features fast scene changes, striking details, and exquisite pacing. The author's skill in using compelling and even amusing writing to capture Mark's battle for survival and self-discovery is genuinely remarkable.

Readers can easily become emotionally invested in the characters' struggle since they are well-developed and relatable—this is especially true of Mark and his family. The ocean setting itself takes on a life of its own, brought to life without becoming overly technical or dull by Cotwell's riveting descriptions that capture the immensity, majesty, and dangers of the sea.

The book's capacity to throw off and baffle expectations may be its greatest asset. You may think you understood the plot, but Cotwell keeps you guessing right up until the very end with surprising turns and twists. Because of this unpredictability as well as the significant risks involved and the depth of Mark's emotional journey, "An Ocean Life" is an incredibly compelling and fascinating book, exploring the profound themes of adapting to life's changes, persevering in the face of adversity, and maintaining focus on what really matters: our connections to those we love and care for. It definitely fits into the survival and adventure genres, but it goes beyond these boundaries.

"An Ocean Life" is a must-read for anybody looking for an exciting and thought-provoking story that will keep readers on the edge of their seat and encourage serious reflection. This book is a very immersive and unforgettable experience due to Cotwell's inventive writing and cinematic prose.

Self-Publishing Review

An unpredictable dive into the nuances of nature and the loyalty of the human heart. Offering a mystical premise beneath a powerful family drama, this novel mixes far-flung fantasy with real science – and real emotion. Mark’s internal narrative is consistently engaging and informative, the dialogue is purposeful and believable, and the emotional exploration of grief and loss is done with profound delicacy. Whether you’re an ocean lover, fantasy fan, or action reader, this multifaceted and otherworldly novel is a uniquely gripping deep-sea adventure.

Ebook Details
  • 05/2024
  • 979-8-9905837-2-6 B0D2L2SBBL
  • 345 pages
  • $9.99
