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GG Collins
Anasazi Medium
GG Collins, author
Ancient peoples enlighten contemporary humankind in a mystery as old as time. Rachel Blackstone is recruited by the spirit world to prevent a cataclysm: the end of the Fourth World of the Hopi. As earthquakes rumble and a supervolcano threatens to blow, it becomes imperative she discover the root of all evil. Can she stop the greedy men intent on plundering Mother Earth and killing those who would stop them? The survival of an unaware civilization depends on Rachel getting it right.

Great Story, Relatable Characters, and a Paranormal Experience

Anasazi Medium is the fourth novel in G.G. Collins’s Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mysteries series. I haven’t read the previous adventures, but I chose this one because I have had a long fascination with the Anasazi culture and history and because I found the concept of a paranormal mystery intriguing. I wasn’t disappointed. Collins had me from the opening paragraph and kept me captivated through to the very end.

The plot is straightforward, and as it develops, more and more clues are uncovered, and the spiritual, magical encounters multiply. As a reader, you, too, step out of everyday reality almost from the outset. That transition is seamless because Collins makes the paranormal world feel absolutely believable.

Rachel Blackstone and her close friend and co-sleuth, Chloe, face the perils and surprises of the mystical world with confidence and conviction. We follow the two in and out of life-threatening situations with the help of ghosts and spirits. All of this leads Rachel and Chloe back to a less chaotic life in the end. If Rachel and Chloe seem to accept the supernatural without question and welcome her entries into the spirit world, we have to keep in mind that this is the fourth book in the series. They’ve had plenty of time to become confident in dealing with the spirit world.

As advertised, Anasazi Medium is a paranormal mystery, but it becomes a thriller as the plot develops. The tension and excitement build to a fever pitch before the mystery is solved. There is a lot at stake here—the end of the world as we know it. While that may be fantastical, in Anasazi Medium, it’s both believable and enjoyable.

Collins has done her research into Native American culture and values, and it shows. I highly recommend Anasazi Medium. Trust me. You won’t be able to put it down.

