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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781983774447 1983774448
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And then the Penny Dropped
B P Kennedy, author
A heartbreaking tale of an idyllic family life, discovering her husbands affair and a betrayal as he walked out on his family after twenty three years of marriage. She was pitched into a legal fight that she wanted no part of and then discovered her husband's hidden millions. There was light at the end of the tunnel, after all she was relying on good old fashioned British justice and surely nothing could go wrong? She didn't want the earth, didn't want to take her husband 'to the cleaners,' she just wanted an equal share of the enormous wealth he had built up during their long marriage. But in court his lawyers and barristers schemed, plotted and lied throughout. Initially Ms Kennedy wasn't over worried. Surely the experienced, long standing and well respected Judge would see through their smokescreen.
Paperback Book Details
  • 9781983774447 1983774448
  • pages
  • $
