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Ebook Details
  • 08/2023
  • 348 pages
  • $9.99
Paperback Details
  • 08/2023
  • 978-1960050120
  • 348 pages
  • $15.99
Geza Tatrallyay
Arctic Inferno, the sequel to Arctic Meltdown, is a timely and gripping international environmental thriller set against the background of the devastation of climate change and the melting of the polar ice cap. The heroine, Hanne Kristensen, the beautiful Danish geologist appointed Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources for the newly independent Greenland, has to maneuver through a wave of setbacks to foil both a Chinese attempt to control Greenland’s natural resources and a more aggressive Russian attempt to gain hegemony over the sparsely populated fledgling country as well as to save her friend, the ousted Premier of Russia, Pavel Laptov. Her suitor, Canadian diplomat Richard Simpson, aids her in this process as well as in the design and signing of a new and more environmentally focused Arctic Treaty to save the region from complete environmental catastrophe. But at the same time Hanne’s private life is complicated by this relationship, as she has to choose between Richard and her long-time lover and childhood friend, Kristi Olafson. This is an action-packed novel with lots of twists and turns guaranteed to keep the reader at the edge of their seats, but also one that brings home the realities we could be living in the very near future.

"Arctic Inferno" by author, Geza Tatrallyay is a sequel to his novel "Arctic Meltdown", published by Black Opal Books in 2021. Lead character is Hanne Kristensen, an attractive Danish geologist who is now the newly appointed Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources for newly independent Greenland. Deeply passionate about the Arctic, the effects of climate change and the need to reinstate a more environmentally friendly Arctic Treaty, Hanne must foil an attempt by the Chinese to control the region’s natural resources as well as help defend her adopted country against an aggressive Russia looking to expand into Greenland, a sparsely populated, fledgling country. Her journey towards a new version of the Treaty is beset with obstacles, particularly when the Russian administration is taken over by a rogue element which takes hegemonic bullying to new heights when it invades such a small, defenceless nation. With the Americans, Chinese, Canadians and Scandinavians all anxious to get involved, things could very easily get out of control. Hanne and those sympathetic to her cause will have to use all the tenacity they can gather, to avert the aggression deteriorating into another world war.

The Preface to "Arctic Inferno" is really the author’s factual basis against which the fictional tale is set and it concludes with a useful map for those not familiar with the Arctic. Once the story gets under way, the action lights up the page from the get-go. Geza Tatrallyay has woven an interesting cast of characters together and his central character, that of Hanne Kristensen, is the most complex of them all. As in the first in the series, "Arctic Meltdown", Hanne has two love interests, Richard and Kristi. Enough said. As the scenes unfold, the reader is taken on a journey of discovery as the author’s meticulous research identifies the problems this part of the world may soon face, yet he doesn’t detract from the suspenseful narrative. As always with this author, the story is intelligently written, the subject matter fascinating, the dialogue script-like and believable. Whether you accept the concept of anthropogenic climate change or not, "Arctic Inferno" is a thriller with a difference.

Ebook Details
  • 08/2023
  • 348 pages
  • $9.99
Paperback Details
  • 08/2023
  • 978-1960050120
  • 348 pages
  • $15.99
