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Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2024
  • 9798889104827
  • 184 pages
  • $13.95
Ebook Details
  • 07/2024
  • 9798889104841
  • 182 pages
  • $4.50
Are You Free?
The Morettis are a Sarasota family of Cafeteria Catholics, (rejecting some Vatican doctrines—mainly pelvic issue ones). Widower Dante goes to his first Confession in decades. He confesses gossip: telling his two daughters of his brother Nick’s fling with the caterer for his wedding vow renewal with Nick’s then-wife Rosemary. An unusual Penance surprises Dante. Tantrums of Nick’s ex-wife Rosemary impact events. Dante wants another good woman to love, but dating yields only stories that amuse his girls. Dante’s gossip is repeated, changing with each teller. Floridians talk about freedom (yet yearn to mate). An undreamt-of source for finding love and fulfilling Dante’s Penance offers challenge and hope. Her name is Abigail. Soon they’re doing everything in a pandemic. How could anything go right? Are You Free? offers a witty rumination on family, religion, and the search for love in many forms – grief, longing, regret, surprise.
Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2024
  • 9798889104827
  • 184 pages
  • $13.95
Ebook Details
  • 07/2024
  • 9798889104841
  • 182 pages
  • $4.50
