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Ebook Details
  • 12/2021
  • B09P6NMYC9
  • 317 pages
  • $3.49
Alex Andre
As & When: Book 2 of The E Apocrypha
Alex Andre, author
They’ve messed with the wrong woman. Aileen’s got a city to run—its shady part, in any case. Abducted and whisked away from Locksville, she refuses to be a pawn in powerful players’ games. She most definitely is not a damsel in distress and needs no freakin knights in shining armor to come to her rescue. Alas, her best-laid escape plans misfire, landing her in even hotter waters far away from home. Aileen must find her footing in an unfamiliar, unforgiving society, fighting tooth and nail to survive. Bo, Aileen’s sharp and grumpy advisor, would move mountains to find her, his limp and aversion to violence be damned to the Seven Hells! He wouldn’t trust anyone else with the impossible search for the most important person in his life. Ajinder, executive protection specialist, won’t tolerate his principal being taken—by someone other than himself. He is no stranger to dispensing violence and doesn’t shy away from being on its receiving end. With his motivation stretching beyond pure professionalism, woe to those who question his skills and determination. Will their grit, smarts, ruthless single-mindedness, and game-changing technology be enough to find Aileen before it’s too late?
K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

As & When is a work of fiction in the post-apocalyptic thriller subgenre and it serves as the second installment to The E Apocrypha series. It is intended for the general adult reading audience owing to moderate but non-graphic references to sex and violence, as well as some explicit language usage, and was penned by author Alex Andre. Following on from the events of Lost and Found, we find ourselves with a very different set of leading figures as an outraged Aileen refuses to fall prey to her kidnappers. Meanwhile, her advisor Bo and protection specialist Ajinder set about a ruthless rescue mission in a dystopian world where the right technology is rare enough to command a dangerous price.
One of the things I particularly enjoyed about this novel was the ability to jump right into a fresh storyline mid-series without having to know everything about the first work. Whether you’ve read and enjoyed Lost and Found or not, author Alex Andre showcases yet more skill for variety in cinematic worldbuilding by introducing us to a new place far from Locksville and the changing attitudes and survival strategies of the people living there. It’s the richness in this kind of dystopian world that makes for an expansive and inviting series, and when that’s coupled with Andre’s talent for creating tense scenes, compelling dialogue, and a twisting plot that takes sudden shocking turns, it’s a true recipe for success. I can’t wait to see what comes next in this brave and terrifying new world, and I’d definitely recommend As & When to fans of dystopian thrillers everywhere.

Ebook Details
  • 12/2021
  • B09P6NMYC9
  • 317 pages
  • $3.49
