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Paperback Details
  • 04/2022
  • 247 pages
  • $14.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2022
  • 247 pages
  • $9.99
Reiner Lomb

Adult; Business & Personal Finance; (Market)

Conventional wisdom says that emotions have no place in business or leadership. ASPIRE will tell you that is a fallacy. You must master seven critical emotions to be an effective and empowering leader who creates positive change. Whether you are in a formal leadership role or are a rising leader, entrepreneur, or changemaker driven by a desire to use your voice to create change, in Reiner Lomb’s groundbreaking new book Aspire: Seven Essential Emotions for Leading Positive Change, No Matter Where You Are, you will discover how to positively influence key stakeholders, build trust, lead with optimism, ride the waves of negative emotions, mobilize people to take action, and choose resiliency in the face of setbacks. The essence of leadership is creating a vision of an aspirational new future and then influencing people to change their behavior to make that vision a reality. Your inspiration to create aspirational change may come from your dissatisfaction with the status quo, joyful anticipation of an aspirational new future, or a new insight. To create such a vision and bring it into reality requires an emotional shift from hopelessness to optimism and inspiration, which then can mobilize any group - from dozens to millions.” Reiner saw this firsthand having grown up just a few miles from the border between East and West Germany, watching a small group of committed leaders peacefully bring down the Berlin Wall by mobilizing millions of people. This is one of many incidences or case studies he shares in Aspire to show the power of emotional IQ.
In this engaging self-help guide to shifting leadership and employee emotions for a better workplace environment, executive coach Lomb shares and explains the “ASPIRE Leadership Model,” built upon understanding emotions as “drivers of or barriers to the desired leadership behavior.” To that end, Lomb introduces seven “emotional drivers” (such as empathy, trust, and positivity) for leaders to understand in themselves and in others, as well as seven corresponding “leadership behaviors” (“the gate to caring,” “the fuel for collaborating,” and “being resilient”) through which leaders can help inspire others to meaningful—and “aspirational”—change. At his system’s heart: learning the drivers and when to shift from one leadership behavior to another to fit them.

Lomb has packed Aspire with informative anecdotes, examples of his emotional shifting model in action, easy-to-follow charts and diagrams, and much practical, concise advice on ways to implement these behaviors in the workplace and during employee interactions as a leader, all anchored to a clear framework of ideas. Lomb also examines potential barriers to navigating the emotional drivers and the best practices for implementing these leadership behaviors. Through the interactive reflection section at the end of each chapter, he tasks readers with self tests to gauge individual emotional responses to each driver and what potential barriers may be holding them back from mastering their emotions. Each chapter, driver, and behavior builds upon the previous to create a foundation—rooted in empathy, compassion and interest—for effective leadership.

Lomb draws on his own experiences plus some surprising international examples, such as negotiations surrounding the end of the partitioning of East and West Germany, to make the case for emotional intelligence in leaders and changemakers.Aspire is an inviting resource for readers looking to make a more human and personal connection with their co-workers and employees. This guide explores the more interpersonal aspects of business and leadership and cultivates the development of a nurturing and caring work culture and work environment.

Takeaway: Incisive guide linking leadership to emotional drivers.

Comparable Titles: Karla McLaren’s The Power of Emotions at Work, Anne Kreamer’s It's Always Personal.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Paperback Details
  • 04/2022
  • 247 pages
  • $14.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2022
  • 247 pages
  • $9.99
