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GG Collins
Atomic Medium
GG Collins, author
A time warp has opened in a popular Santa Fe retail store. The building housing the shop was the main office of The Manhattan Project during WWII. Only one person has witnessed the departure of two dangerous men through the dark doorway to the past—reporter Rachel Blackstone, the Reluctant Medium. If she can't stop the two men intent on sabotage, history will be altered. It's no small task: just save the world.

I was so pleased to see that GG Collins has released her third book in this series. It did not let me down. I love the continuing adventures of Rachel and Chloe and it seems that perhaps Rachel is ready to accept her "gift" and see it as a way of helping others instead of something that she dreads.. Her calling......maybe? Probably! In this book I found that once again I want to make that trip to Santa Fe and see all the places that Rachel and Chloe visit. I loved that the suspense lasted right up to the last page. The description of the horrors put upon the world by the Germans in WWII were explained in such a way I could actually visualize it happening. This book also provided me with more information regarding the Manhattan Project. It gave me a better picture of my grandfather's participation in The Manhattan Project while in the Navy in WWII. GG Collins really does her homework. Great read. I will now anxiously await the next in the series, Anasazi Medium.

