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Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2023
  • 9798886931815
  • 234 pages
  • $15.95
Hardcover Book Details
  • 04/2023
  • 9798886931822
  • 234 pages
  • $31.95
Stephen Metcalfe
Attachment Patterns

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

Is the artist, Robert Boone, crazy? As his daughter, 24-year-old aspiring novelist, Isolde Boone (Holdie), tells us, he sure doesn’t think so. Okay, yes, he recently found himself in the hospital loudly declaring he wanted to die. But that was a glitch, a moment of unexplained weakness, of post-pandemic exhaustion. He says he’s fine now, calm, stoic and self-possessed as always. Only the doctors don’t believe him. They’ve insisted he enroll in a three week, out-patient, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy program. Which is? Psychotherapy in which negative patterns of thought are challenged to address behavior patterns and mood disorders. With no choice now, Robert Boone will reluctantly look at his life. Over three weeks of confession, tears, romance and, yes, humor, Robert Boone’s past, his work, his unspoken fears and grief and his relationships both old and new will all be brought to the surface through his daughter’s voice. As his daughter says: “It goes without saying that anything I’ve told you so far and will tell you from this moment on was disclosed to me, confided in me, remembered by me, surmised by me and in some cases (okay, more than some) totally and completely made up. (By me.) Still, all of it is the God’s truth.” Is Robert Boone crazy? In the current world, isn’t everybody? We’ll find out.
Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2023
  • 9798886931815
  • 234 pages
  • $15.95
Hardcover Book Details
  • 04/2023
  • 9798886931822
  • 234 pages
  • $31.95
