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Authenticity and Grace
Authenticity and Grace: Uncovering the Authentic Self is a quick guide for readers to easily identify their true authentic life. In this concise exploration, Dr. Smith reveals how we discover the nature of Grace, what it is, and how awareness about it can help us uncover the deep purpose we have been searching for. Looking for and discovering what he calls ‘Gracepoints’, Dr. Smith teaches readers how to remove barriers that inhibit the natural flow of Grace in our lives such as anxiety, depression, loss, fear, conflict, and despair. Understanding how the ego and conditioned thinking cover up who we really are allows us to begin the uncovering process that leads us to our authentic selves. The power of Grace can heal, provide renewed awareness and energy, and restore the lost sense of wonder which makes us truly individual and human. Best of all, Grace is completely free and each of us already has what we need to build a more rewarding authentic life—we just need to get out of our own way.
