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Paperback Details
  • 12/2022
  • 979-8370018312
  • 165 pages
  • $15
Ralph Meyers
Autism (ASD)
Ralph Meyers, author
The term autism (currently we better speak of autism spectrum disorder - ASD) has been in the professional world for decades and is increasingly used under the term "neurodiversity" in the media, and is still difficult to grasp. There have been significant shifts in perspective in recent years, which have an impact on both diagnostics and, in particular, the ways that are sought in treatment and that need to be further expanded. In more than 30 years of experience in psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry, as a doctor in clinics and university clinics and for 29 years established with a social psychiatric practice for child and adolescent psychiatry in Dorsten, NRW, and a private practice for children, adolescents and adults with a focus on diagnostics, coaching and psychotherapy in Hamburg, I followed this development closely and had to fundamentally change my own perspective and also the diagnostic and therapeutic approach. We are currently in the middle of a process that is characterized by rapid advances in brain research that will further advance our perspective. This book is intended to give the interested layman as well as the specialist suggestions and also convey hope. Because in many cases – of course not in the case of the most severely affected – significant changes can be achieved that will have an impact on the life path and primarily on the social integration of those affected.
Paperback Details
  • 12/2022
  • 979-8370018312
  • 165 pages
  • $15
