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Pierre Schwob
AWE: A technothriller
Pic de Lucrète and his expert team at a bleeding-edge research institute, discover that a climate tipping point will be reached far sooner than anticipated. They must supercharge AI to reveal fake news and prevent a global catastrophe. But adversarial interests in the fossil fuel industry, led by a psychopath with ties to Putin and his oligarchs, will stop at nothing to prevent them from succeeding – from virulent disinformation to murderous violence. From Silicon Valley to Tokyo, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Beijing, AWE is a fast-paced and prescient technothriller crackling with... all sorts of intelligence.
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 9.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: AWE is a striking contemporary suspense thriller that features a brilliantly paced and intriguing storyline. Schwob intelligently orchestrates his unique and thought-provoking stance on moral and environmental degradation in a consistently engrossing novel.

Prose: AWE is written with a great deal of technological accuracy, astutely encapsulating futurisitc scientific concepts. The text is rich and detailed, with Schwob displaying a verve for inventive creativity.

Originality: AWE is a prescient and inspiring techno-thriller that poses pertinent questions regarding climate change, political leadership and the power of individual responsibility. The book's strength lies in its ability to accentuate humanity's need to tackle critical global issues head on.

Character/Execution: AWE's memorable cast of character is spearheaded by Pic de Lucrète and his expert scientific team, while a range of well rounded adversaries led by a psycho with links to Putin and his oligarchs threaten to disrupt their progress. The characters are generally fascinating and help enhance the gripping and dynamic atmosphere of the text.

Blurb: A bold and inventive technothriller.

Date Submitted: June 04, 2024

When Pic de Lucrète, project director at the Palo Alto Research Institute and leader of a group of exceptional scientists, is summoned to Tokyo to sound out a new project—building a potential space elevator—his team is tasked with finding an appropriate anchor location for the elevator on Earth. To find the expertise he needs, including a nonlinear systems master mathematician, Pic seeks out the brilliant Lily Lee, a virtual unknown currently working at her family’s nail salon. With his team in place, Pic takes on the concern of climate change and its impact on the elevator’s anchor—leading them to shocking research results that predict complete climate degradation decades sooner than expected.

With that news, and a climatologist’s projection that “the Arctic may be entirely ice-free starting in the summers of the 2030s,” the race is on to prevent a planet wide catastrophe, pitting Pic and his team against the fossil fuel industry and the wiles of Galileo Olrik, a psychopath and bigwig in the oil sector, with a vested interest in pleasing his old acquaintance, Vladimir Putin. Schwob brilliantly portrays the struggles of scientists combating climate change and dangerous misinformation through Olrik’s powerful social media campaigning aimed at undermining Pic’s team and destabilizing democracies around the world—backed, of course, by Putin.

The social commentary is timely, and Schwob milks that angle to the max, while delving into the intricacies of scientific discovery and research for thoughtful readers. Pic’s priorities understandably change in response to Olrik’s dealings, prompting him to develop an AI tool that can “defang [the] fake news,” otherwise known as AWE (Artificial Wisdom Engine)—which channels the entirety of human wisdom to defeat climate change in time. Readers will savor the astonishing detail in this brainy debut, and, after delivering a precise assessment of the world’s priorities, Schwob builds momentum to a satisfying conclusion.

Takeaway: Brainy technothriller of scientists facing climate change and disinformation.

Comparable Titles: Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future, Neal Stephenson’s Termination Shock.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Amazon reviewer: Archie Forrest

If you care about the future of our planet, if you enjoy science fiction when it's superbly written, wildly imaginative and unfailingly witty, this is the book for you. The author knows his stuff, and the impeccably researched journey through the ways in which our future can be saved from its currently terminal destiny are laid out through the adventures of an enthralling cast of characters, from the heroic to the demonic. This is a page-turner, stunningly inventive. Awe, the book's title, is not only what we are invited to feel in order to respect the miraculous universe of which we are a part - and only respect will ensure our survival as the universe's acolytes - it is what you will feel with respect to this wonderful book. Such superlative writing is a tribute to the capacities of life itself, celebrated to the full in Pierre Schwob's glorious fiction.

Amazon verified purchase by Loganre

Why are the powers-at-be always interested in technology? Because it leads to world power. Or, in the case of this book, preserves the world power of the powers-at-be. Afterall it was basic physics that unlocked the strong nuclear force that became hydrogen bombs that could vaporize millions.

In reading AWE you will get an insider’s look at the next level of physics/technology (still fictional, that's why it’s a novel) as chatted about by fictional characters “in the business”. There are good James Bond types and evil Dr. No types for your entertainment.

After reading this book you will better know the jargon around things like AI (in the book the next level AI called AWE [Artificial Wisdom Engine]), space elevators, and climate modeling.

If the book American Prometheus can lead to a movie called Oppenheimer which can lead to an Oscar then a book called AWE should become a movie to tell what is possible.

Amazon verified purchaser: My Review

AWE is a smart and superbly written page-turner, addressing some of the critical issues of today: AI, climate change, and fake news. The story follows a memorable cast of characters, led by renaissance man Pic de Lucrète and young, brilliant young mathematician Lily Lee, a wise ex-SecDef, and a Japanese magnate and his daughter as they race against time to avert disaster. They face lethal threats from a monstruous opponent. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping also make appearances. The book underscores the urgent need for humanity to transcend geopolitical divides and harness collective intelligence to address critical global issues. A great, enriching read that made me think and often laugh out loud.

PS: I hope the author’s next novel will also feature Pic and Lily. What a great team!

