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To be honest, I hate writing these synopsis things and feel I am quite terrible at doing so but I will attempt to provide some sort of hopefully semi-competent description of the nature of the book. It is a very short novel, and technically the word count (38,800) leaves it just shy of what the bare minimum is to be considered a novel, but I do view it as such rather than a morbidly obese novella. The title actually provides a good idea of the nature of the book. It really is summed up somewhat well as “Postcards from the Wasteland”, snapshots, scenes of the main character, Nihil, travelling through his life, and a disconnected sampling of events and characters he encounters. A recurring character he encounters, The Devil, does factor into the overall story but aside from that it is just a representation of Nihil’s wandering through the wasteland of his life without any sort of direction. I suppose Literary Fiction would be the best way to classify the style but it really doesn’t adhere to any genre. It is what it is. Though, of course I realize my stating that is quite possibly the most absolutely useless descriptive phrase I could possibly use in that it describes absolutely nothing whatsoever. The tone of the book is dark though often with dark comedy and the presentation is irreverent and often quite absurdist. In later sections of the book, Nihil writes a novel, leading to commentary of the writing process and interactions with the publishing world. I really don’t know what else I should say about it so I guess I’ll now provide the description of the book I used for Amazon “Sorry, on vacation from my disastrous vacation from life. Can't write the book description at this time, Check in again later when the answer will still be the same.” I think that is somewhat indicative of the feel of the book, and would say it is also indicative of how bad I am at writing these things, because I cannot imagine that description would entice anyone at all to purchase the book.
